accent golden

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Three Ingredient Lemon Posset

Lemon posset inside chalice and lemon halves

Let’s be honest, the name “posset” is not a sexy one. It makes me think of possums and though I recently learned how loveable possums are, they’re not something I want to eat. That being said, POSSET is delicious. It’s like a creamy, slightly thicker citrusy pudding and it’s super fast and easy to make. Also, did you know lemons are winter fruits? I did but it blows my mind everytime, since we always seem to associate it with summer days in Italy. Just me? Ok. 

This recipe is the perfect treat for anyone looking for a quick dessert, be it for yourself or guests (cause I hear some people like to invite people over to their houses?). Here’s how to make it:


Yields: 3 servings (a little more than ¼ cup each)


  • ⅔ cup (150g) Heavy Cream

  • ⅛ cup (37.5g) Sugar

  • 5 tsp (25g) - Lemon juice + zest of one small lemon*


Combine heavy cream and sugar in a small pot, place on the stove over high heat, and bring to a boil (should be rolling and foaming). Stir occasionally.

Once the mixture starts to boil, reduce heat so the liquid is at a controlled boil and set a timer for 3 minutes. Stir occasionally.

After three minutes, add lemon juice/zest. If the juice/zest is cold, bring the mixture (with juice) back up to a boil.

Remove from heat and sieve over a pitcher, to remove any zest. Cover the mixture with wax paper so the paper touches the surface of the liquid. We don’t want a skin to form.

Place on a rack or trivet - to allow airflow - and cool at room temperature for at least 15 minutes.

Once cooled to room temperature, remove the paper and pour it into your designated glasses/cups. Cover but this time do not have the wrapping touch the surface of the liquid, at this point we want the texture to be consistent throughout, and place in the fridge for three hours.

Once set, remove from the fridge and enjoy! 


*This will mainly be lemon juice as the zest of the lemon likely won’t even hit 1g.

*I received this recipe during my pastry course in Scotland, from Chef Ashley

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