Lightly grease your pie dish and set aside
Start by making your crust. In a bowl, stir together your flour and salt. Using two butter knives, held against each other with one in each hand to form an “X,” cut your butter into your dough, with the knives pulling away from each other and back in, until you have a sand-like consistency.
Add in your water (I like to put a few ice cubes in a glass before filling it with cold water to make sure it’s extra cold), cut your water into your dry mixture, and then compress the dough into a ball. See notes below if you have a food processor!
Place your dough between two large pieces of parchment paper, and roll to ⅛” thickness – making sure your dough is an even thickness throughout.
Gently peel the parchment back from the top layer, lay it back onto the dough, flip all of it over, and repeat with the bottom (now top) layer of parchment.
Removing one side of the parchment, carefully lay that side face down into a 9-inch pie dish and remove the top layer of parchment
Carefully shift the dough to ensure it is laying flat within the pan and along the sides. If you have more than an inch excess, use a butter knife to cut away an extra and save for later.
Tuck under the remaining excess dough around the edges, to form your crust
Make a peace sign with your pointer and middle fingers on one hand, place it along the edge of your crust. With the pointer finger of your other hand, pointing toward the center of the peace sign, pull back the dough in the center of your fingers. This will form a crimp. Repeat along the edge of your crust until complete.
Place your pie dish with the crimped crust in the fridge for 15 minutes
Preheat your oven to 375F
For your filling, in a bowl sift your powdered sugar over your cream cheese and beat together. Add in your vanilla extract, sour cream, brown sugar, and cinnamon and beat until smooth
Remove your cinnamon rolls from their cans and quarter each roll (cutting into four pieces). Remove your pie dish from the fridge and layer the pieces of all of your rolls evenly across the base of your crust
Pour your cream cheese filling over your cinnamon rolls and spread evenly with a spatula
Bake at 375F for 10 minutes then, without opening the oven, drop the oven temperature to 325F for 50 minutes. Your pie will be puffed and the filling should appear dry and slightly cracked. There will be a little browning as your cinnamon roll pieces rise in the oven, don’t worry! To check, you can use a digital thermometer inserted into the middle of your pie (pressing into one of the cinnamon roll pieces) and check for an internal temperature of at least 160F, this will ensure the dough has been fully cooked
Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes before liberally drizzling with the icing from the cinnamon roll containers
Slice and enjoy warm!
The pie will last in the fridge for two to three days, for optimal freshness. To eat later or the next day, pop a slice into the microwave for 10-15 seconds to soften back up